Julian Bevan
Most people involved in rugby in Europe will know Jules as a CMO, PR and most recently a Match Commissioner.
Not only does Jules lead our operation in Sweden but he is also responsible for developing our IT review processes and MO development.
Kevin Adhere
Kevin has been a familiar face in Kenyan rugby for many years, having played alongside the like of Collins Injera.
Kevin is also a Director of the Kenyan Rugby League Foundation, a keen supporter of rugby development and is helping to create the Samburu 7s.
Kevin said "I am very excited for my new role at TRF and through this involvement we are looking to take the rugby gospel into new parts of Kenya. We would love to double the number of players in the Country in the next 2 to 3 years and develop resources like pitches, coaches and referees in every County." "I also want to make the game safer for players by establishing the excellent CVS programme throughout every team as a regular tool that everybody uses".Ricardo Hawkes
Ricardo is both a rugby coach for Junior and U19 rugby in Lisbon as well as a keen referee.
Ricardo's focus across Portugal is to build a keen network who will be able to take the Foundation's messages into the clubs and events in their area. Ricardo is particularly focused on assisting the development and implementation of our Concussion and Brain Health Awareness programme and sustainability throughout clubs and events.

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